The Principle of Net Neutrality

The Principle of Net Neutrality

While I agree in principle of net neutrality, that the Internet should remain open and neutral.  I don’t believe the way to get there is to reclassify the “Internet” as a telephone company, or in government speak, a Title II telecommunications service under the 1934 Communications Act. The FCC says they will ignore the rules that pertain to fees, taxes, price fixing, and forcing providers to open their networks to competitors.  But we can all agree that once the Govt gets its bureaucracy going. It only means more regulation is on the horizon…
I don’t even know where to start trying to explain that the internet is not just a pipe.  Its computer hardware talking to other computer hardware. And there are a half dozen other types of devices used to make the whole thing work.  So forcing me to open my hardware to someone else with out getting paid is ludicrous.
An analogy would be some people own cars and some don’t,  now while the interstates in the U.S. are mostly “free” to use it takes cars to make it work.  So the FCC could say. Hey.. everyone needs to be able to use these highways.  So, from now on, if someone walks up to you and asks for the keys to your car you have to give it to them.    Now if you knew this could happen, would you buy the car in the first place?  Probably not.  So with nobody buying cars all the auto manufactures (Internet Providers) go out of business. And now were left with the only ‘cars’ on the road are those owned by the government. And now Big Brother rears its ugly head….
I found this interesting article on c|net.

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